Boardroom Presentations is passionate about creating opportunity. We facilitate the installation of Internet connected computers into the households of school aged children to improve the child’s academic achievement and increase the adult’s economic opportunity. Why? Because if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day and if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime but if you teach high need families the power of the internet you improve the trajectory of their life.
Closing the Achievement Gap
Schools today are challenged to deliver effective curriculum to a wide variety of students with varied levels of resources and skills. Some students come from high income families with every opportunity while others come from high need families with not as much as a wholesome meal to start the day. Educators are accountable to each one, regardless of their point of entry. Sociological depravity increases the challenge. Community thought-leaders have evaluated the greater challenge for educating these American high-need families and proposed various methods, however additional resources have been the common thread. The broken system has continued for generations. There is never enough money to meet these high-need families where they are.
I am in control of myself, my child's education and my computer, it has given me the power and confidence to know that any computer I sit at will be in my command.
/ Ms. L. Johnson /
The Greatest Thing to Happen in Education Since Books
Our journey into the Internet- the greatest information tool known to man- began sometime in 1994 after working with IBM for over 20 years. In 1995, Dr. Neil Rudenstine, then president of Harvard University said we need to get our institution in step with this new resource. “Where the radio, television and even free standing personal computers have failed to deliver to educators their envisioned value; the Internet and the new technologies are delivering value not seen since the organization of the university library systems of the late 1800s. Here one of the keepers of the planet’s brain trusts is paraphrased the Internet is the greatest thing to happen in education since books.
With such a warning BoardRoom Presentations, Inc. lead an effort in February 2000, titled the Bridge Builders Conference…Over the Digital Divide. The conference garnered national attention and was attended by over 500 participants including corporate, community, federal state and local representation. Clients energized by our Internet empowerment modules include over 1000 DuPont employees, 300 municipal staff members, 250 Department of Commerce consultants and thought-leaders at Verizon, MCI, MBNA, WSFS, Delaware State University, Kennett Consolidated Schools, Christina School District and many other disciplines.
Today BoardRoom Presentations has both public and private experience in educating corporate thought-leaders in the field of Internet research and learning. After thousands of business professionals were trained to harness the tremendous power of the Internet, a wholesome process was synthesized and has been adapted for families of school aged children. The solution is simple yet effective.
2002 – 2006
2006 – 2012
2012 – 2015
I thank you for trying to give our people a boost in life...for the knowledge and wisdom you are giving out. Don't let up when it comes to your preciseness and even your military style strictness, some of us need the discipline. Thank you again for not thinking it robbery to teach a few skills to the community.